You have 37 seconds!

The average reader will spend only 37 seconds on your blog post or article according to recent research from Business 2 Community.  See their infographic here.  It has statistics and trends for content marketing in 2017.   

While a successful bull ride is only 8 seconds, 37 seconds is terribly short when you think about your content and your audience. The infographic has a wide range of additional information about content – from percent of emails now opened on mobile devices (53%) to the percent of tweets with images that are retweeted (150%) compared to those without photography or graphics. 

Content does impact the experience your customers have with your brand, it’s worth looking at this information and thinking through your content strategy.  Does this confirm or contradict what you are seeing?  Which stat did you find most surprising? Will there be changes to how you approach content in 2017?  Comment below.

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